
Local CNC Machine Shop

The Benefits of Partnering with a CNC Machine Shop in Tulsa, OklahomaPartnering up with a local CNC machine shop in Tulsa, Oklahoma offers a number of distinct advantages When compared to offshoring or nearshoring your project. Quality domestic machining service providers like Sawyer Fabrication are capable of providing a much higher level of flexibility, responsiveness,…

Manual Machining vs. CNC Machining Services Explained

Both CNC machining technology and manual machining processes are commonly used throughout the modern commercial manufacturing sector. At Sawyer Fabrication, we provide a complete range of custom machining services which utilize some of the industry’s most capable CNC machines alongside expertly crafted manual machining solutions. The Difference Between CNC Machines and Manual Machining Services Technologically…

Advantages of American Fabrication

The Advantages of Partnering with an American Fabrication Shop Responsive American contract manufacturers offer a number of distinct advantages when compared to our overseas competitors. The benefits of domestic fabrication and welding services have become even more apparent in the post-COVID-19 manufacturing world, which has seen international supply chain disruptions remaining at the forefront of…

American Fabrication

The Advantages of Partnering with an American Fabrication Shop Responsive American contract manufacturers offer a number of distinct advantages when compared to our overseas competitors. The benefits of domestic fabrication and welding services have become even more apparent in the post-COVID-19 manufacturing world, which has seen international supply chain disruptions remaining at the forefront of…

Welding and Metal Fabrication

Industrial Welding Compared to Metal Fabrication Services Welding vs. Fabrication Services in the Modern Industrial Manufacturing Sector In most industrial manufacturing applications, welding is considered to be a specific type of fabrication service. Essentially, metal fabrication includes any process that is designed to manipulate metal material into custom shapes, sizes, and assemblies. Industrial welding, on…

The Advantages of Custom Process Skids –

Faster Project Completion You achieve quicker turnaround on projects because facilities preparation and process system design take place at the same time. Faster Time to Market Time to market is an essential metric for any company. You can eliminate weather delays by completing the process fabrication indoors. Besides, the skid mounted process system has already…

Modular Process Skid Fabrication –

What Are Modular Process Skids in the Industrial Fabrication Sector? An Overview of Custom Modular Process Skids Manufactured for Industrial Applications Modular process skids are self-contained systems that are built to perform specific industrial processes at a job site. They are also commonly referred to as skidded systems. As the name suggests, the entire plug-and-play…

What Are Specialty Welding Services?

An Overview of Our Specialized Industrial Welding Capabilities There are a multitude of specialty welding services commonly utilized throughout the modern industrial fabrication sector. These highly skilled welding projects require specialized experience, precision equipment, and unique manufacturing materials. In many cases, specialty industrial fabrication projects also require certified welding code and quality control standards, such…

What Is Structural Steel Welding and Fabrication?

An Overview of Structural Steel Welding and Common Types of Structural Welds Structural welding is the joining of two metal components in which the welded joint is part of the structure of the finished component or framework. This is opposed to non-structural welding services, which can be used to tack components together or create aesthetic…

4 Popular Types of Welding Processes Used for Industrial Fabrication

MIG, TIG, Stick, and Flux-Core Welding Services Compared There are a multitude of different welding processes that are commonly used in the modern fabrication industry. Each type of welding service offers its own unique benefits along with some drawbacks. These advantages and disadvantages will depend upon the type of material required for your project, the…